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Zofran poses risk for pregnant women


Zofran is a drug used to block chemicals in the body that cause nausea and vomiting. Sadly, although it does work well with most people following surgery or receiving cancer treatment, it does not end so well for pregnant users. In addition, although the Food and Drug Administration has not approved Zofran safe for use in morning sickness, many physicians have been prescribing it to pregnant patients and thus causing birth defects in babies. Glaxo Smith Kline makes Zofran, and the use during pregnancy is currently in category B in regards to safety. Therefore, Zofran is not expected to harm an unborn baby, yet studies and outcomes suggest other findings.

For instance, Zofran was tested on animals, and due to the outcomes it was deemed unsafe for use in pregnancy. Secondly, Zofran does pass by the placental barrier during pregnancy thus affecting the baby. Lastly, since 1992 the maker of Zofran has received hundreds of notifications from women that were on the drug during pregnancy, and gave birth to a baby with birth defects. Now, the families are alleging they were unknowingly and naively taking Zofran without the knowledge of the potential life altering risks it posed to their unborn child.

The experienced St. Louis personal injury attorneys at Meyerkord & Kurth have just signed their first case to represent a client injured by the use of Zofran. If Zofran, or another drug has caused injury to yourself or child, we would like to hear from you. Please contact us today for a no-cost assessment of your potential drug liability or Zofran case.

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