With decades of experience and a track-record of favorable verdicts, you can rest easy knowing our attorneys have your best interest in mind.
St. Louis Laboratory Mistakes
If you or a loved one has been victimized by a medical lab mistake, you understand just how seriously it can affect your health or how quickly it can cost the life of a beloved companion or family member. More than a million mistakes occur in medical laboratories each and every year, with thousands of these errors leading to wrongful deaths.
These costly errors can also lead to misdiagnosis and a wrong course of treatment resulting in serious health risks and injury. A lab should be held responsible for mistakes that lead to injury and death, as it represents a clear case of negligence and medical malpractice. More information and answers to your questions about legal recourse are available to you at any time by contacting a St. Louis personal injury attorney.
With the ever-increasing standard of medical care we are privileged to in this country comes increasing risks of human error. This is due to the high level and fast-paced training that is required of our medical professionals. The exponential evolution of healthcare means that new equipment, medications and techniques are constantly appearing in the medical field.
The volume of tests performed by laboratories as a regular part of treatment is very high and some common mistakes than may occur include:
- Incorrect MRI or CT imaging
- Paperwork or blood sample mix-ups
- Incorrect sampling procedures
- Lost imagining or blood samples
- Misinterpretation of lab results by physicians and healthcare professionals
- Mishandling of materials
The consequences of a lab mix-up or mistake can be severe and life-changing, and facilities should be held legally responsible for their errors.
Speak With Meyerkord & Kurth Today!
The compassionate and experienced attorneys at Meyerkord & Kurth stand ready to fight for your legal rights and financial interests. We firmly believe that justice and compensation are deserved for victims of laboratory mistakes and medical malpractice. Our team will work closely with you and provide an intimate level of service and representation in your case.
Contact our firm right away to find out how we can help.

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