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Jury Awards Slip and Fall Victim $1.7 million


A slip and fall at a Dollar General store in Mobile, Alabama was responsible for one woman's eight surgeries, 395 doctor visits, and close to $500,000 in medical bills. It was July 9, 2012, when she slipped in laundry soap, and the incident has left her permanently disabled. The jury found in favor of the victim stating that Dollar General’s safety policies were “inadequate and outdated.” The case ruled for the victim resulting in a cash amount of $1,725,000. The jury is hoping that this ruling will motivate Dollar General to bring their policies up to date to ensure the safety of their customers.

As in this case, a slip and fall can have detrimental effects on a person’s life. A fall can lead anywhere from broken bones to a devastating brain or spinal cord injury. The owner of the property or the business may be legally responsible for your compensation. Many of these types of accidents happen because the victim is unaware of a hazardous element at a property. Statistically, slip and fall accidents are ranked 2nd for common accidents, number one being car accidents.

The family owned firm of Meyerkord & Kurth is dedicated to assisting victims and their loved ones in seeking full compensation for their injury. A negligence case on the part of the property owner requires proof of liability which means there was negligence on the property owners part. Take notes of the incident, who witnessed, and take pictures. Our St. Louis personal injury attorneys are committed to providing our clients with outstanding legal representation and our reputation speaks for itself. Your resolution is our goal, please call us toll-free or fill out case evaluation form, it’s the first step, and it cost you nothing.

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