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Zofran use during pregnancy associated with birth defects


Zofran is a drug used to help chemotherapy, radiation, and recent surgery patients with nausea. Yet, in some cases Zofran has been used to help pregnant women with morning sickness, and has been delivering devastating results ever since. Furthermore, when tested, it was found unsafe for use in pregnant women because the drug reaches past the placental barrier. Likewise the FDA has placed Zofran in category B for use during pregnancy, yet the makers have been marketing it as safe. Additionally, the makers, GlaxoSmithKline have been receiving notices from families injured by the use of Zofran since 1992, and have not done anything to stop the issue until now.

Zofran use in pregnant women is causing severe birth defects. Such defects include cleft lip, cleft palate, and heart defects. Sadly, these debilitating birth defects can alter the entire life of the child, as well as his or her family, and all is due to the negligence of the pharmaceutical giant, GSK. Now, families that have suffered harm by Zofran are seeking answers, and now filing lawsuits against the makers of Zofran.

If Zofran, or any other drug has injured you or your family member, we can help. Presently, the experienced St. Louis personal injury attorneys at Meyerkord & Kurth are representing Zofran cases, and can help you. Please call us today for a free consultation.

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