With decades of experience and a track-record of favorable verdicts, you can rest easy knowing our attorneys have your best interest in mind.
Assaults & Attacks
Taking Legal Action Through a Premises Liability Claim
If you have been the victim of a violent attack or a sexual assault, then you cannot count on law enforcement to help you secure justice for the wrongs you have suffered. Even if the individual who attacked you is arrested, convicted, and sent to jail or prison, there is no guarantee that you will receive the compensation you deserve - or anything at all - without taking your own legal action.
The criminal process does not always result in restitution to the victim, and any amount that is paid in restitution may be far less than is fair for the victim's medical expenses, lost wages, and the pain, suffering, and mental anguish caused by an assault. For hard-hitting legal representation and dedicated support during this difficult time, turn to the attorneys of Meyerkord & Kurth.
Defending Victims of Assault
We have more than 100 years of combined legal experience and have helped our clients recover in excess of $450 million in jury verdicts and settlements. An attorney from our team can stand by you throughout the process of claiming compensation for the attack, investigating the case for evidence to support your claim, and going to court if necessary to secure the amount you deserve.
We know how much is at stake in this situation and we are ready to fight for you.
Who Is Responsible for an Attack?
Under certain circumstances, it may be possible to recover financial compensation for an attack by taking legal action against the owner of the property where the incident occurred. If the property owner failed to take reasonable safety precautions to protect guests, patrons, or tenants, then the victim may be entitled to claim damages.
For example, if a rape or other attack occurs in a hotel room or apartment, then the hotel owner or landlord may be held liable. Security negligence, such as failure to install fencing, gates, alarms, and surveillance cameras, is the basis of this type of case.
Bring the case to us now for a free consultation to learn whether you have grounds for legal action and to take the first steps.

More Than $450,000,000 Recovered for Our Clients
Experienced Personal Injury Attorneys Serving Missouri & Illinois
$844,711 Amputation Injury
$225,000 Auto Accident
$75,000 Auto Accident
$77,500 Auto Accident
$125,000 Auto Accident
$447,500 Auto Accident