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Missouri & Illinois Personal Injury Attorneys 800-391-4318

Driver Receives Probation for Fatal DUI Accident, Community Outraged


In Springfield, Missouri a young man receives only probation for a drunk driving car accident which resulted in the killing of a woman on Feb. 10, 2015. The 21-year-old man was speeding 100 miles per hour and collided with the 38-year-old woman near the intersection Campbell Avenue and Battlefield Road. Despite his alcohol level being three times the legal limit and drugs found in his system, the man was given only five years probation. The prosecutor and community are outraged at the sentence the judge handed down.

Penalties for drunk driving vehicular homicide range greatly. Missouri’s penalties range from 0-15 years of prison time. Tragically, it is estimated that around 18% of all those who commit drunk driving vehicular homicide serve little to no time in prison. Regardless of the criminal consequences, if you have been the victim of a drunk driving accident, it is important to consult an experienced accident attorney.

Victims of drunk driving need someone to fight for them. If you or a loved one have lost someone in your life due to drunk driving, it is important to contact the St. Louis auto accident attorneys at Meyerkord & Kurth. Our attorneys will gather evidence to establish liability and fight aggressively to hold that party accountable. We will work to recover the maximum compensation and you will owe us nothing unless a settlement or verdict is obtained. Contact us today to receive a free consultation from one of St. Louis’ best personal injury attorneys.

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